Orange Citrus Shortcake Biscuits

From Carrie Morey's Hot Little Suppers cookbook

Orange Citrus Shortcake Biscuits


  • • Callie’s Hot Little Biscuit Shortcake Biscuit Mix
  • • 10 tbsp salted butter
  • • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • • 2 oranges
  • • 2 tbsp Turbinado sugar

When you think of the cold wintery months, chances are you aren’t thinking about citrus, too. However, I would argue that the best time for the freshness of citrus is when you’re deep into the winter “hibernation”. Citrus fights those winter blues and packs a punch of flavor that can help carry you through the extra six weeks of winter that have been predicted…Thanks, Punxsutawney Phil!

All that being said, I’m craving a bit of freshness as the cold temperatures defrost down here in the lowcountry...and I have the perfect recipe for that Shortcake Biscuit Mix in your pantry!

Enjoy these deliciously simple shortcake biscuits alongside your morning coffee or with a steaming cup of Earl Grey tea in the afternoon. These even pair perfectly with some fresh fruit or a bit of whipped cream for a relaxing, lightly indulgent end to the evening!


  1. In a medium mixing bowl, add the Shortcake Biscuit Mix, reserving about 1/4-1/2 cup for dusting. Add in 8 tbsp butter and incorporate into the mix using a pinching motion. (Hot Little Tip: the butter is fully incorporated when the mix is the texture of parmesan cheese!)
  2. Zest both oranges directly into the bowl. Add the juice of one orange into the mix. Mix the vanilla into the whole milk, then slowly add the milk a little bit at a time while mixing the dough together. Once all liquid is incorporated, dust your surface with the remaining dry mix and tip your dough out. Gently form the dough, evenly rolling or pressing until about a 1.5-2" thick.
  3. Cut the dough using a two-inch biscuit cutter, placing on a parchment lined baking sheet. Brush biscuits with melted butter (2 tbsp) and sprinkle with Turbinado sugar and additional orange zest. Bake in a 350ºF oven for 16-18 minutes, rotating pan halfway through.
  4. Top with an additional brush of butter and sprinkle of Turbinado sugar, and enjoy!

    Hot Little Tip

    Swap for your favorite citrus if you are craving something different!
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